Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ferguson Reaction

As a young, white, female living in a predominately black community this issue in our country has had a huge impact on me and my thoughts toward the human race. To start I think that nothing wrong happened on that day in Ferguson, MO. It is clear that Michael Brown was committing a crime when he was confronted by Darren Wilson. There was a lot of confrontation and I can't say anyone really knows what happened to cause the incident to end so fatally. I honestly feel like I can't have an opinion or whether the officer was correct or not because the media has construed the story so much. I still don't completely know what happened on that day.

I do however have a lot to say about the way the community is reacting. THIS IS NOT A RACE ISSUE IT IS A POLICE BRUTALITY ISSUE! I have tried to beat this into the heads of every human who has brought this topic up in my presence. This has absolutely nothing to do with the color of either of these people's skin. There are crimes everyday of white on white murder, black on black murder, and white on black murder. Why is this different? Perfect example of a public case such as this that had a similar result, OJ Simpson. A black man very possibly murdering two white people and there were no riots.

I would also like to add that riots such as the ones happening in Ferguson are some of the most ridiculous things I have seen unfold in my lifetime. Violence will never solve violence. I repeat violence will never solve violence! Ever! Innocent people are losing their businesses, being robbed, and there are possibilities of them losing their lives. I honestly have so much to say about all of this it is good to get it off my chest finally.  


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    1. I agree. The media has a lot to do with how people perceive an incident, especially when they have no knowledge of the account from a first hand perspective. Police brutality issues most likely occur more than we are aware of, but they always seem to be mistaken as issues of race. If it was a white officer and white person committing the crime, there would most likely not have been a big deal made about it. People are so easily brainwashed with what they hear and see on the news and through media they will believe anything without checking facts or formulating an opinion on their own.
